Thunderbird mail problemen oplossen

Thunderbird has a problem with deleting messages. This mailprogram sometimes refuses to let me delete messages.

After my transition from Linux to Windows 7 some years ago I use the open source mailprogram Mozilla Thunderbird. What an amazing program! It simply does all I want.

A while ago I had a problem with the program:

 If I have a few hundred emails in my Inbox, after a few minutes of deleting spam it refuses to let me delete any more. I can still read messages, but not delete them. I have compacted folders, and have used every delete method (including dragging messages to Trash), but nothing seems
to work. I have to close down the computer and reboot before Thunderbird will let me resume deleting (a simple restart of Thunderbird doesn’t help).

I found a lot of hints and tips on Socrates’s blog. Written long time ago but still very useful.

A backup of the page, just to be sure: Socrates’s experience_ ThunderBird A few Tips & Tricks (pdf)

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